Friday, March 9, 2012

“A Suspicious Mind”

The first day she met him, she thought to herself what a handsome and articulate man he was. They exchanged numbers~ conversed on the phone weekly and met at social events. She knew that a relationship would not ensue because she was four years older than him, and she had a rule~ “Never to date a younger man.”
One day, he said, “What would you say if I ask you to have dinner with me?”
“That will be nice,” she said and her heart fluttered.
“I am going to take this a little further. What would you say if I tell you, I would like to date you?”
Now her heart was on override, but she said, “That would be great.”
They started dating and were both happy with each other so they got married. Their relationship was perfect, and they were in love.
One day, she phoned his office… he did not answer nor did his secretary. She tried his cell phone~ then his pager, but he still did not answer. This has never happened, so she became apprehensive and she wondered what he was really up too. Fifteen minutes went by, and he did not call. Her wondering mind flowed to her husband’s secretary~ This woman was young and beautiful so she was thinking that they might be having an affair. “It is after six and the office is closed so they are probably together right at this moment,” she whispered and was livid because she broke her rule about dating younger men… now she was married to one. The phone started ringing and she answered.
“Hi, Sweetheart, is everything okay? I got your phone calls, but I couldn’t answer because I was in a meeting with Management~ I have just been promoted to Marketing Director…You and I have to go out tonight and celebrate,” He said sounding exciting…

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