Monday, March 26, 2012

“Oh! It’s You”

One day she was talking to her mother. “When was the last time, you spoke to your aunt Marian?” Her mother asked.
“In all honesty, I cannot remember.”
“You must give her a call, she asked about you. She said that you don’t visit or call her. I think you should pay her a visit soon.”
“I will.”
After the conversation with her mother she thought about her aunt and how much she disliked her. Aunt Marian was polite to her on a number of occasions, and those occasions could be counted on the fingers of one hand. She felt that a phone call should suffice because she had no intentions of having a face to face. As she dialed her Aunt Marian’s phone number, her inkling was saying don’t, but she ignored it.
“Hello!” Her aunt said.
“Hi Aunt Marian.”
“Oh! It’s you!”
The intonation of the words told her that her aunt was actually saying, “Why, the hell, are you calling me?!”
Although she felt a bit put off, she politely said, “Yes it’s me. How are you?”
“I’m fine and I am very busy!”
“Okay. Have a nice day,” she said then hung up the phone. A few minutes later it started ringing. She picked up the receiver and again her intuition, was saying don’t.
“Who the hell do you think you are?! How dare you hang up the phone on me?!…

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