Thursday, January 20, 2011

“What The Beggar Tossed Out”

One day I saw a man begging. Many people walked by and they put money in the pan he was holding up. When they walked away he would look in the pan and pick out the 1-cent pieces, fling them on the ground, as though he was disgusted. I whispered, “That is not right.”
A lady standing near to me said, “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried, I just think he is disrespectful of the compassion he is receiving from people. He doesn’t know how hard it might have been for someone to give him from what they have.”
“You are absolutely right. Do you know that he has been doing this for many years? I am happy that he does.”
I looked at her baffled and she smiled.
The man got up from where he was sitting and walked away. The lady walked over to where he was and she picked up every cent and put it in a bag…

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