Friday, January 21, 2011

“Every Zandolie”

It was a cloudy day, but I was in a great mood and ready to face it. The telephone started ringing. I did not want to answer, because, I felt that the person on the other line might say something to upset me. When I saw my friend’s phone number, I pick up the receiver. Her sister was on the other line. I was surprised. She and I met on three occasions, but we never converse. I became concerned when she said, “I need to speak to you about my sister. She is not a not a nice person.”
“I think she is a nice person to you, because she permits you to live in her home.”
She ignored me and continued speaking…. vilifying her sister.
I felt as though I was being pulled into a situation, so I said, “Your sister and I never discussed you, and I don’t intend to discuss her with you. If you are having a problems with her then you need to speak to her.”
I was ignored again, and I tried to politely end the conversation, but she was talking over me. This infuriated me, so I shouted, “Every Zandolie mus find dey hole…”
She said, “What!”
I said, “If you could ask me what, then you heard me!” I hung up the phone…

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