Thursday, January 6, 2011

"My Mother"

On this day in 1925 my Mother was born.... I sang happy birthday to her. She said who is this... Alla. I said yes it is... I am so many miles away, talking to her on the phone and she knew who it was... It is a blessing to be 86 and have a sound mind. I remember so much about her and what she loves to do... Read the news paper was one thing that she did every day... Preparing all our meals. We would wake up to breakfast, go to school and come home for lunch... in the evening after school a snack then dinner... One thing we all had to be at that dinner table at nights... My mother was the rock of our family. My father made a great choice in choosing a wife and mother for his children...


Dr Cheryl Cottle said...

Beautiful tribute to your mother on her birthday! Wishing her great health and continued happiness and prosperity.

A Valentine Joseph said...

Thank you Dr. Cottle.