Monday, January 17, 2011

“Expected to Die In Days”

God is still in the miracle working business... Anthony was told that his friend Danny was gravely ill, and he is in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. He is not expected to last the week. He felt that the year just began and it already started with sad news… Two weeks went by, Danny was still at the hospital and he was not talking. On the third week, while Anthony was at work his cell phone rang and he saw it was Danny’s number. Fear stepped in because he thought that Danny’s wife was calling him with bad news. He took a deep breath then answered the phone. Danny was on the phone, but he could not speak. Anthony spoke to him, and he reassured him that he was going to his home as soon as possible, to finish the electrical repairs. Eight days later, his phone rang, and it was Danny. He answered the phone and Danny said, in a croaky voice, “Tony? Thanks for doing the electrical repairs in my home.” Their conversation lasted for 10 minutes… Today, Danny is out of the Intensive Care Unit…

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