Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (186) Covid take over de world by storm. Selfishness, Ungratefulness and Wickedness is more prevalent.

I kno’ a few people who were hired by some home owners to do work on their homes. After de contractor completed de work, de home owners did not pay dem. When dey call de home owner, de phone calls are not answered. Goin’ to their homes, their door bells are not answered. When yuh see yuh friend wit a new fence, a new garage, a new front gate installed, a new porch, etc., ask dem de name an’ phone number of de person who did de work. If dey doh give yuh de contractor’s name, dey did not pay him/her for de work done.

I know a few people who were hired by some home owners to do work on their homes. After they completed the job, the home owners did not pay them. When they call the home owner, the phone calls are not answered. Going to their homes, their door bells are not answered. When you see your friend with a new fence, a new garage, a new front gate installed, a new porch, etc., ask them the name and phone number of the person who did the work. If they don’t give you the contractor’s name, they did not pay him/her for the work done.

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