Saturday, September 4, 2021

You all know that I did not post anything for months on Fb, but after talking to my niece Imeka I have to post this. She always makes a good point but last night her point takes the cake.

I mentioned that Trinidad and Tobago celebrated Independence and she said, “Trinidad and Tobago should not celebrate Independence Day. We should celebrate Dr. Eric Williams’ Day. The amount of shit he had to go through for us to gain Independence. He had to face the Queen and prove to her that Trinidad and Tobago could stand on its own as a nation. He did it without complaint. After all that he went through we got Independence on August 31, 1962. I believe Trinidad and Tobago should celebrate Independence Day, but we also need a day to celebrate Dr. Eric Williams.

1 comment:

Madeddie said...

I would not celebrate him for independence because other countries had independence around that time as well. Britain no longer had a reason for hanging on to the colonies, and was glad to rid itself of them. What he should be celebrated for is his focus on education, and treating it seriously.