Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (174) Immunization Time. Plenty Stories about the Injection. Only God know which Story is True. Plenty Liars are Talking Feely. Dear God put a Hand.

When ah was in elementary school ah use to get vex when ah see de lady who does be dress in a brown dress come to we school. She was de district nurse. She reason for comin’ to we school was to inoculate all de school children. Minutes after she reach, she used to set up a table. Our teachers use to make we line up. We names use to be on a list. De list of names, was in alphabetical order. Ah use to be standin’ near de end of de line because meh last name start wit’ a ‘V’. Ah wish ah use to be de first student in de line, jus’ to get it over wit’. Some of meh frens use to cry when dey get de injection. Hearin’ dem cry use to make me real scared. Ah use to take deep breaths to stop meh self from cryin’. Here we go again. Another vaccine to fight another virus an’ many stories about de injection. Only God kno’ which story is de true story!” “Dear God help we!”

When I was in elementary school I used to get upset when I see the district nurse who is usually dressed in a brown dress. Her reason for coming to our school was to vaccinate the students. She used to set up a table, and our teachers used to make us form a line. The list of names, were in alphabetic order. I had to stand near the end of the line because my last name started with ‘V’. I wished I was first in line, just to get it over with. I had to stand on the line, hearing some of my friend’s cry. While they were crying, my heart used to be racing. I used to take deep breaths to calm myself. Here we go again another vaccine to fight another virus. Many stories about the injection. Only God know which story is true. “Dear God put a hand!”

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