Saturday, April 17, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (140) In a Flash Life Changed.

Life change, oui. Meh Saturday use to be meh day of just enjoyin’ life wit family an’ friends. Sometimes ah does make a big pot of chicken, beef, or salted pig tails, peas an' rice cook-up, or ah does make a big pot of chicken, beef, cow heel or salted pig tail soup. We relative an’ we friends does come by we to lime so de day does be a day of talkin’, laughin’, eatin’ an’ drinkin’. Today, Covid19 put a damper on life. Meh Saturdays is not de same as it use to be.

Life is no longer the same. My Saturday used to be my day of just enjoying life with family and friends. I would either make a large pot of chicken, beef or salted pig tail pelau, or I would make a large pot of chicken, beef, cow heel or salted pig tail soup. Our relative and friends usually visit us. The day will be a day of talking, laughing, eating and drink. Today, Covid19 put a damper on life. My Saturdays are no longer the same.

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