Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (138) The things Some People do? Oh God! Humans! Somebody, Buy me a Dog!

Ah livin’ in meh neighborhood for more than ten years an’ ah does walk on most of de streets. It hav’ one street dat ah doh ever walk on. Somet’ing about dat street does make me feel real uneasy. Ah doh kno’ wat ah was t’inkin’ one sunny Friday mornin’, when ah start to walk up de uneasy street. As ah was walkin’, ah see how dismal an’ shady it was. It didn’t hav’ one single person on it. It did hav’ cars park up on both sides of de street an’ all de houses was shut up real tight. Way in de distance, ah see a man quickly appear in de road, an’ ah wonder’ whey he come from. Seein’ he make me feel more uneasy. Ah keep on walkin’, buh ah did keep meh eyes on he. De man walk up to a car an’ try openin’ de doors. When he couldn’t open dem, he try another car, then another. For a minute, ah didn’t t’ink about wat he was doin’ buh then it hit me. Dis man was a thief, so ah kno’ ah had to get off dat street. Meh mind tell meh to turn back, so ah did, buh then ah freeze. Ah was fraid to turn meh back on he. De only odder exit was near he, so ah was hopin’ dat he walk pass it quick. Ah did feel like ah was trap an’ meh mouth start to taste bitter, bitter. For a minute, de man look like he was goin’ to turn aroun’ an’ see me. Meh heart was beatin’ in meh throat an’ ah was prayin’ he eh turn aroun’. In de end ah was able to get off de street before he see me.

I lived in my neighborhood for more than ten years and I walked on most of the streets. There was one street that I never walked on. Something about that street made me feel uneasy. I don’t know what I was thinking one sunny Friday morning, when I proceeded to walk up the uneasy street. As I walked along, I noticed that it was dismal, shady and not one single person was on it. There were cars parked on either side and all the houses were shut tight. Ahead of me in the distance, a man suddenly appeared in the road and I wondered where he came from. His presence added to my fears. I continued walking, but I kept my eyes on him. He walked up to a car and tried opening the doors. When he couldn’t open them, he proceeded to try another car, then another. For a moment, I did not realize what he was doing, but then it dawned on me that he was a burglar. I knew I had to get off of the street. My first instinct was to turn back, so I did, but then I stopped because I was afraid to turn my back on him. The only other exit was near to him. I was hoping that he would walk past it soon. I felt trapped. My mouth tasted bitter and my heart was pumping in my throat. At one moment, the man looked as though he would turn around and see me. I started to pray that he didn’t turn around. I was finally able to get off that street without being notice.


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