Sunday, April 11, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (139) I do not like the smell of Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Ganja, Tampi or whatever Name you Joint Smokers may Call it.

Plenty countries makin’ it legal to smoke a joint. Ah feel it is about time dey did dat! Ah doh hav’ not’ing against weed smokers. Each man to he own accord. De t’ing dat does get me vex is de people who does like to light up a joint, near to people dey doh kno’. Ah feel yuh puffin’ time should be in yuh own space. Away from odder people. If yuh want to be around people, wen yuh light up, find all yuh weed people an’ go in yuh own place. Some people allergic to Marijuana so hav’ RESPECT!

Many countries are legalizing Marijuana and I feel it is about time! I do not have anything against weed smokers. Each man to his own accord. The thing I have a problem with is the people who like to light up near people they do not know. I believe your smoking time should be in your own space away from other people. If you want to be around people, get in touch with all your weed associates and stay in your lane. Some people are allergic to Marijuana, so have some RESPECT!

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