Thursday, April 9, 2020

On a very deep heartfelt personal note. Many people died in my family and it hurt. But the most heartbreaking moment for me was when my father died. The grief was tremendous for many months. After my father died the loss of family and friends was heartbreaking but a bit bearable, then my nephew Stuart passed away. For weeks the tears kept coming. I thought I wasn’t going to stop crying but one night while I was asleep, I heard a whisper, ‘He is not alone’. I woke up and it hit me that Stuart was not alone. His grandparents, Uncle Reynold and many other relatives and friends were there. And in that moment of realization, I no longer felt inconsolable. Many people lost loved ones and it is heartbreaking. Please remember those relative and friends who went before them will be waiting to receive them. They are not going to be alone. I pray for you to get strength and courage to face the days ahead.

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