Monday, April 27, 2020

I am fed-up of covid19. Everybody have a story about it and they believe it is true so they share, but I am listening to the up-dates by the New York City Governor and Mayor. This evil monster has turned our life around drastically. You are seeing the true sides of humans and yes, it is a good thing but I am tired of it. It has me feeling freedom-less. I cannot do the things I really feel like doing. One of them is shopping. There are so many things I want from the places I shop, but every freaking package is being opened, by someone who is looking for their mother so-an’-so. They did not take anything out of my packages so-far, but I feel violated. I believe they are looking for specific items and the things I bought before they did not want. I believe they will take the things on my new list so I have to wait for life to get back to normal. Dear God, Mercy.

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