Saturday, August 31, 2019

Image result for happy 57th independence trinidad and tobago

G. Carlton Sampson
Come, come away, hail to the day, This is our land's great morning. Birds in the trees waft to the breeze, Songs of our nation's dawning. Hummingbird bright, lend your delight, Ibis your scarlet feathers; Kiskadee call, summon them all, This is a day of wonders!
Chorus: O land of fairest beauty, We pledge our lives to duty, And vow this day, and vow this day, And vow this day to serve thee.
Flambouyant gay, make glad the day, Colourful blooms resplendent. Hibiscus hedge witness our pledge, To honour this day transcendent. Fireflies bright, shine through the night: Illumine our thanksgiving. Of this great day each heart can say
This is our Nation's Dawning!
Chorus: O land of fairest beauty. We pledge our lives to duty. And vow this day, and vow this day, And vow this day to serve thee….

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