Friday, August 31, 2018

Have a wonderful day and be safe.

God you know me. You know my heart. I am not a hurtful person. I am a kind loving person, Thanks be to God for that. I grew up as a member of the Catholic Church. I thank God that my brothers, sisters and I had no problems with the priests and nuns. The only thing I did not like; they knew our family and if we did anything wrong they would call my father. Today I feel sad that so many priests were sexual predators, but I thank God that truth is prevailing. They need to be banished and punished for their crimes. My father used to say, “Heaven and Hell is right here on this earth.” What I am seeing and hearing daily, I believe that. People feel that they can do and say anything and they will get away with it, but ‘Every long rope have an end.”

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