Monday, December 19, 2016

On a personal note. My family and I are just simple. The things we want for Christmas is never overboard. Harold and I, what we really need. Paul a book, and clothes, Sarah a book, a game, and clothes.

I see everyone putting up there Christmas tree and I love that moment… It is tradition and since childhood I looked forward to doing it. Last year we did not have a Christmas tree because Harold threw out the one we had saying we will get another. Christmas came and the decorations went on the walls. The place looked festive and very nice. This year I kept saying to myself, “I want a Christmas tree, but was feeling that I am the one who always saying I want this and that for Christmas and getting it so I kept quiet.
I woke up this morning and the first thing Harold said to me, “Ali I am buying a Christmas tree.”
I get down in my Trinbago twang with excitement, “Oh gosh if yuh know how bad I wanted one. God does answer mih prayers oui!” I said.
He smiles.
I hope you are all getting what you want for Christmas. Have a nice day and be safe!

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