Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Friday to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

I live in a building with very honest to goodness, kind people. Egyptians, Haitians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Tibetans, and we are Trinidadians. Let me tell you how good and kind they are. How did I forget my neighbor who is Pakistani? She always gives me a warm hello when we meet and asks the rest of my family for me when she sees them.  
One day our Tibetan neighbor, rang our door bell to bring my keys. I left it in the mail box.
Doh ask me how that happen…
Ok I probably got a check with big money in the mail, got excited and forgot the keys. I thanked God for my neighbors.

One day while I was walking up the stairs to go into my apartment, one of my Mexican’s neighbors who lives on the third floor was behind me. She got to her floor, and I continued to the fourth floor. As I was about to make the last two steps my right knee started to hurt so I cried out from the pain. My neighbor asked me what was wrong. I told her and she came, and helped me lift my foot to make the final steps. I made them and limped to my door.  I thanked God for my neighbors.

Last night the mail man put some packages for me by the mail box. Harold and Paul came in from work after five… Sarah went to Manhattan to shop and came home after six. They did not see anything by the mail box. About ten o’clock last night another one of my Mexican neighbors rang our doorbell to inform us about the packages. I thank God for blessing us with honest to goodness neighbors.

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