Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fr Martin Sirju of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church in San Fernando Trinidad and Tobago, said that he was not blessing toys. He was going to bless the children.
“I have nothing against the blessing of toys, I just don't think today is the day to do it because to me it does not reflect the seriousness of the occasion. The scriptures, text, Gospel for today ends on a pretty sad note…a woman weeping for her children and it is hard for me,” he said. I agree with him.
The Feast of the Holy Innocents or Childermas is to commemorate the massacre of the male children, two years old and under, in Bethlehem when King Herod attempted to kill the infant Jesus.
In medieval England, children were reminded of the mournfulness of the day by being whipped in bed. This custom continued until the 17the century.

On December 28th and other Christian churches on December 29th children take their toys to church to be blessed. This day should be in memory of all the children who were slaughtered… Toys can be blessed on another day.

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