Friday, March 18, 2016

Let me tell you my sugar story.

I remember in 1999 while I was conversing with my favorite sister, she asked me how much sugar I use per day. I told her that I make a lot of juice and a 5lb bag of granulated used to last me a week. She told me that I am using too much sugar. Sugar is not good for you it makes your body acid and when your body is acid you suffer from all kinds of ailments. Cut down on sugar. It took me a while but I started to cut down. I stopped drinking juice but I used to make my coffee with condensed milk and evaporated milk. For a very long time I kept drinking my coffee sweet. My right knee started to act up. It used to buckle and then I would hit the floor. My sister told me to cut out sugar. Stop using condensed milk. In 2012 I finally stopped drinking and eating sugary items, but I was eating bread and there was added sugar in it. I started reading labels to make sure no sugar was in the product. My knee stopped hurting and today it is still doing better. I don’t use sugar.

Sugar taste real good, but do you know that it makes you urinate a lot. Sometimes you urinate and then minutes later you want to pee again. When you take in sugar at nights it will cause you to have a sleepless night. All night you would be getting up to pee. Cut down on sugar. You would feel a lot better.

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