Saturday, August 1, 2015

“A conversation with a creepy man”

I don’t know why some men feel that I am looking for a man. One day a man messaged me and he said, I am at work, but I am taking a chance to talk to you on FB.
“Where are you working?”
He told me the company, but all I would say is that it is based in England. He continued, “I saw your picture and you look like the kind of woman I would date.”
“I am married.”
“Can we be friends?
“FB friends if you want.”
“Can we talk?”
“What do you want to talk about?”
“I will like to know more about you.”
The man was acting as though he was not hearing me. I wanted to know how far he intended to go so I said. “What do you want to know about me?
“The things you like to do?”
“My husband knows that and already takes care of it. I told you I was married.”
“I know you are married! You are acting as though you got the last ring! There are many other married women out there!”
“And you choose me, you condescending and disrespectful, ugly little man! I am not surprised that you are looking for a woman! I think I have to go to a higher authority for your ass. Don’t ever contact me again and if you do, I will call your job and speak to your boss! That was the last time I heard from him…

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