Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Helen Thomas ― Former News Reporter, Member of the White House Press Corps"

I think I'll work all my life. When you're having fun, why stop having fun? ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

There are better ways we can transform this virulent hatred - by living our ideals, the Peace Corps, exchange students, teachers, exporting our music, poetry, blue jeans. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

You don't spread democracy through the barrel of a gun. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

The White House used to belong to the American people. At least that's what I learned from history books and from covering every president starting with John F. Kennedy. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

This is the worst President ever. He George W. Bush is the worst President in all of American history.Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is another liar... I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

We won't really know what will happen until it happens. ―Helen Thomas (1920-2013)

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