Sunday, July 14, 2013

“A Broken Record”

I probably sound like a broken record, but I have a son… (He is now 22 will be 23 in a couple of months) and it is scary to think about what each day will bring into his life… At a very young age, I told him, and it was sad to say, but it was the truth… You have strikes against you…
1. You are black.
2. You are male.
3. You don’t have an education.
You cannot change yourself, but you can make changes to your educational status. Go to school and get a good education.
When you go to the store, the workers in the store may shadow you. Ignore them, get what you want, pay for it, make sure you get a bag and a receipt!
If you are stopped by the police make sure they could see your hands!
Be aware of the neighborhood watch. He might be packing heat, and easily upset when he sees a black man.
Today I say to him and my daughter… When you at school, your professor/s and or classmate/s might be packing heat. Don’t antagonize. Be careful…

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