Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Guilty By Association”
Out of 100% of the sayings by the old folks, 99.9% of the time they are correct. ‘Friends would take you but they would not bring you back’.
One day when my son was in high school he and some of his classmates went to a bodega. He took up 4 packs of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and 2 packs of lemon cookies. When he got to the cashier all of his classmates were in front paying, except one who stood next to him. He had two packs of chips in his hands. As my son was about to pay the guy who stood next to him ran out of the store. The owner asked my son if he knew the guy. He said for a moment he froze thinking he could say no, but then he said yes, don’t  worry I am paying for him. He said he paid for his items and the two bags of chips that the classmate stole.
I said, “Do you see why I always told you, do not go shopping with friends. If they do anything dishonest you would be guilty by association.”…

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