Monday, May 6, 2013

“What Pisses Me Off”
Now allergy season is on. My ears itches me straight down to my throat. The only thing that helps me is dipping a Q-tip in Hydrogen Peroxide and swivel it in my ears… Oh what a heavenly feeling as the bubbles attacks the itch.
I get pissed when I buy a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide and I get home, use it and no bubbles… It is flat. What pisses me off more is, when I go to the store and I see someone shaking a bottle of peroxide. No where on the bottle says shake well/agitate well… It states on the bottle… “Keep tightly closed and at controlled room temperature. DO NOT SHAKE BOTTLE. Hold away from face when opening. Oh gosh! STOP SHAKING THE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!

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