Friday, May 31, 2013

If anyone say to you, “I know how you feel.”
You should say, “You really have to be in it to know it! Have  you ever been in it?”

“Every time I hear about an abusive situation I will keep saying this… Stop agreeing that the abuse is a joke when it hurts so bad.”
“His Second Joke”
Margaret had poor eye sight, but she did not mind going to the beach to sit or walk along the shore, although the massive expanse of water scares her. She never went into the sea. Her husband always asked her to go in, but she told him no. It got to the point where he told her that she doesn’t trust him. 
“I do trust you,” she said.
“Then come into the water, with me. I promised that I would only take you up to your knees and I would hold your hands.”
“Are you sure you won’t let me go?”
“I promise.”
She was trembling when they got near the water, so she held his hand firmly. “Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves. Are you hearing how gently they are rolling?”
“Don’t be afraid. I am going to walk backwards so I will be facing you at all times.”
She walked shakily into the sea and he did stop when the water got to her knees. They stood for a moment then he splashed a little water with one hand. She felt a bit comfortable, so she joined him in a water fight. They were both laughing happily. Suddenly, she did not hear his voice so she called his name. He did not answer and she started to panic. The lenses of her glasses were blurry, so she moved her hands around hoping to touch him. As she was doing this she was going into the deep part of the sea. The water was now around her waist and she put out her hands hoping to grab onto him, this caused her to go under. Her mouth filled with water and some went down her throat. She surfaced gasping as she tried to catch her breath. Her legs were slipping and as she started to go down again, her husband grabbed her. She was coughing excessively and when she caught her breath, she said, “Why did you leave me!?”
“I was right here.”
“No you were not!”
“Yes. I went under the water to hide from you.”
“You promised me that you won’t leave me! Why did you?”
“It was a joke.”….

May he not suffer your foot to slip. May he slumber not who guards you. Ps. 121:3

Thursday, May 30, 2013

“It Is Your Choice”
I saw some people this morning in high spirits, some were looking downhearted and some were just going with the flow.
Another day~ Another story~ We all have a chapter so do not forget that it is your choice to carry the load you are holding…

Before you talk about me… Walk a mile in my shoes~

A lamp to my feet is your word, a light to my path. Ps. 119:105

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

“To Everyone”
I love CHILDREN! I don’t like to see them hurt. So every time I see this situation I am going to post “Mercy For The Little One”. My reason is that I don’t want it to happen and most of all I don’t want to be around if it does!
“Mercy For The Little One”
I was walking on the side walk behind a woman pushing a stroller with a child in it~ When they got to the end of the sidewalk she push the stroller onto the street~ The child was in the road and at the mercy of the traffic that was moving at a terrific speed~ This parent/caregiver was standing safely on the sidewalk~ Suppose… God forbid, but suppose for some ungodly reason a car swerved to where the stroller was~ Mercy for the little one in the stroller…

He Walks With Me – Anne Murray
I come to the garden alone~ While the dew is still on the roses~ And the voice I hear falling on my ear~ The son of God discloses~
And He walks with me and He talks with me~ And He tells me I am His own~ And the joy we share as we tarry there~ None other has ever known…

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Even if you never heard me say it~ Just know from my heart to yours~ I APPRECIATE YOU!

I believed, even when I said, “I m greatly afflicted”; I said in my alarm, “No man is dependable.” How shall I make a return to the LORD for all the good he has done for me? The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD: Ps. 116

Monday, May 27, 2013

“Eat From My Plate”
One day when I was very young, my parents, siblings, a visiting relative and me were sitting at the table eating lunch. The food was delicious because it was my favorite food —Some fried and some stew Red snapper, dumplings, , lentil peas, fried plantain and salad. When my plate was handed to me I was happy because I got the tail part of the red snapper. I cut a piece off and it tasted good. Although I wanted to eat it all, I decided to leave it for last so I started to eat the other things on my plate. Just before I was down to the last of the dumplings, lentil peas, fried plantain and salad, the visiting relative stuck her fork on my fried snapper, scooped it out of my plate, into hers then said, “Why aren’t you eating your fish. You children love to waste food. I will eat it.”
That woman sat down and ate my fish. I did not say anything to her. Shock was an understatement. Later that day I whispered to my father, “She got food… Why was she looking in my plate… I was leaving my fish for last… She is so greedy!”
“I know.” He started to laugh…

Memorial Day 2013
Today is Memorial Day in the United States. A blessed safe day to all who serve in the armed forces… I salute you.
Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. It was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. The friend —(God rest his soul) who insisted that we meet, knew what he was doing.
I thank God for being our guide, our shield and our protector. Yesterday was beautiful and I am looking forward to many more beautiful years … “Amen and AMEN to that!”…

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Carol King – You’ve Got A Friend”
Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend~ When people can be so cold~ They'll hurt you, and desert you~ And take your soul if you let them~ Oh, but don't you let them~  

Happy the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commands. His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth; the upright generation shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house, his generosity shall endure forever. He dawns through the darkness, a light for the upright; he is gracious and merciful and just. Well for the man who is gracious and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice; He shall never be moved; the just man shall be in everlasting remembrance. An evil report he shall not fear; his heart is firm trusting in the LORD. His heart is steadfast; he shall not fear till he looks down upon his foes. Lavishly he gives to the poor; his generosity shall endure forever, his horn shall be exalted in glory. The wicked man shall see it and be vexed; he shall gnash his teeth and pine away, the desire of the wicked shall perish. Ps.112

“Oh Gosh Winter”
I keep asking, “What did winter say to spring?”
This cold morning I had to take my daughter to the doctor. When we were about to leave and I opened the closet and took out my coat, I had to say, “Oh gosh, winter really doesn’t want to go away!”

Friday, May 24, 2013

Stop agreeing that the abuse is a joke when it hurts so bad.
“His First Joke” 
She had poor vision so she needed to wear her glasses. At nights, when she go to bed, she would put them on the night table that was next to her side of the bed. On mornings, when she got up, they were the first thing she reached for. 
One morning, when she got up and reached for them, they were not on the night table, so she checked the night table on her husband’s side of the bed, but it was not there. A fretful feeling crossed her mind, because she was home alone. Her husband was at work, and if she waited until he came home, to help her find it, she would be late for work. She knelt on the floor and for fifteen minutes, she slowly moved around it, passing her hands, but to no avail. Feeling aggravated, she sat down on the floor and looked around the room. Everything looked the usual way to her… blurry, but there was the shadow of a person.
“Is someone here?” She asked squinting to get a better view. There was no answer and the shadow did not move so she felt it was nothing and continued searching. Her hands touched the top of a shoe. She kept touching it until she felt an ankle. A horrifying scream came from her as she scampered away. She kept on screaming and screaming as loud as she could, hoping that the neighbors would hear her. Arms grabbed her, shaking her. “Margaret! It’s me Peter! Your husband! Calm down! Calm down!” His voice convinced her that it was him and she grabbed him, holding him tightly as her body shook violently.
“I… I lost my glasses.”
“They are right here.”
She put them on. “Where did… did you find them?”
“I came home early from work and I took them.”
“It was a joke...”

Thursday, May 23, 2013

“Inclement Weather”
No sun in the sky. Outside looks as though night is about to fall, but instead of nightfall we are going to have rainfall, thunder and lightning. My storm chaser is at home. Her allergies brought on asthma and I don’t want it to turn into sinusitis, so I am her nurse today. I have to keep my eyes on her. She would want to pull the curtain away from the window, open the blinds, even open the window and look at the lightning strikes. If there is hail she would still be by the window looking at the hail hitting the window. She always say that she is going to be a forensic artist ... She can sketch ah face oui, but her fascination with the weather, we all believe that storm chasing would be her forte…

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

“Shoo Shooing”
I remembering attending church and the moment a particular man walked into the church… hmm~~~ Shoo shooing (gossiping behind his back) used to start. As a young woman it was upsetting to hear about the things he did. The shoo shooers used to say that the man used to beat his wife and he fathered a child with one of his daughters. I was flabbergasted to hear it and thought it was malicious talk, until his wife ended up in hospital. What I could not understand is the priest/pastor knew about this, but he allowed this man to be on the altar, praying for people and taking part in the daily service. His wife never attended church, but his daughter and the child did…    

“Thing To Cry For”
I made The biggest out yesterday. If I walked it would not have happened. It was hot and I needed some coconut water so I took a taxi to the grocery. I bought some packs then took a taxi home. When the taxi pull away from the grocery just a little over 100 feet from the grocery stood a truck. A man was standing outside of the truck, with a cutlass in hand cutting a coconut for a woman. A few people were standing with coconuts in their hands, straw to their lips drinking… And me in the taxi with packs of coconut water. What the Jesus… That is thing to cry for…

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yesterday I sat in front of my television and I watched the massive tornado as it was on the move in Oklahoma. The National Weather Service found it to be a category 4 storm with winds up to 200 mph. It was estimated to be 2 miles wide. August is not here yet and devastating weather started. Mercy father…

“Who’s Your Friends”
I’ve read the bible from cover to cover and maybe I miss the part where God says to stay in an abusive situation…
He beats you! You feel hurt from the blows as well as from the idea that he raised his hands at you. Your friends… No they are not your friends because a friend would not want you to be hurt. So the associate/s who tells you that you are the wife, don’t leave your home, you should stay ask them one question… ‘Would you come to my home and take the beating for me’?
Now you would know, who’s your friend.

Monday, May 20, 2013

“It Should Only Happens Once”
If he or she hits you, I say end the relationship. That strike you received should only happen once. You cannot rehabilitate an abuser. He or she will try to convince you that it is your fault why he or she hits you. That is a LIE. The abuser will eventually kill you. There are so many heartbreaking stories of relationships that ended in death. I am wondering if some people accept the abuse because they were abused by there mothers, fathers and or caregivers.
Please— not three strikes and you are out. One strike and get out— That strike should only happen once…

“Picture This”
You went out with him~ You danced the night away then you ended up at his home. He makes love to you in the most beautiful way~ The orgasm made you feel as though you reach the mountain top then cascaded down into heaven. You fall into a blissful sleep. Hours later you wake up to see him looking at you angrily. You ignored the look, smiled then say, “Good morning.
In a seriously angry tone he said, “What’s so good about this morning!”

I have to keep saying it… YOU CANNOT REHABILITATE AN ABUSER! A Valentine Joseph (2)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mothers Fathers Caregivers
Yes they might be your friends and you probably had very happy times when you get together, but they are not your children’s friends. Remember to pay attention to your children and the company they keep. There are too many situations where children are being molested/mistreated by a family friend. I told my children when the were younger, that mom and dad’s friends are not their friends. If you ever feel uncomfortable in their presence let us know.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. ― Confucius (551 BC-479 BCE)

They sowed fields and planted vineyards, and they obtained a fruitful yield.
He blessed them and they became very many; nor did he suffer their cattle to decrease.
And they dwindled and were brought low through oppression, affliction and sorrow.
He who pours out contempt upon princes, and sends them astray through a trackless waste,
Lifted up the needy out of misery and made the families numerous like flocks.
The upright see this and rejoice, and all wickedness closes it’s mouth.
Who is wise enough to observe these things and to understand the favors of the LORD. Ps. 107:37-43

Saturday, May 18, 2013

“A Nostalgic Moment”
Six o’clock this morning I was standing in the kitchen eating some cherries and waiting for the sun to rise~~~~ No sun but just a haze~~~ Now if this was in Trinbago on this Saturday morning when I was a little girl. I would be in the yard sitting under the governor plum tree, with some plums in the pocket of my shorts and one in my hand. I would roll it until it was soft then squeeze it and eat the sweet pulp. The sun would be shining in all its glory as my taste buds say Halleluiah!

Friday, May 17, 2013

There is no sin except stupidity. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Stupidity is a talent for misconception.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.Sammy Davis, Jr. (1925-1990)

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.Edith Sitwell (1887-1964)

Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it. ― Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)

A female Hofstra University student and an armed suspect were fatally shot during a break-in at a Long Island home… There we go again. Guns!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

“Judge And Jury”
He held these young girls for 10 YEARS! All the evidence shows that he is GUILTY! How could you tell me that there is goodness in him? Is it because he says he loves his daughter and he has been kind to her? What about the relatives of these children —now women that he kidnapped? Didn’t their mothers, fathers… relatives love them? He used to meet one mother and asked her how she is doing. If I was the judge and jury. Guilty! No death penalty! Sentenced to the prison population! The only thing I would hope for is that they do not kill him. Death is to easy an escape…

You made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows the hour of its setting.
You bring darkness, and it is night; then all the beasts of the forest roam about;
Young lions roar for the prey and seek their food from GOD.
When the sun rises, they withdraw and couch in their dens.
Man goes forth to his work and to his tillage till the evening. Ps. 104:19-24

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

“Long Time”
Today dogs have names like humans… Abby, Ashleigh, George, Alastair, etc... Long time we used to call dogs, Lassie, Bruno, Ajax, Breeze, Brownie, Blackie…

Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all my being, bless his holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefit;
He pardons all you iniquities, He heals all your ills.
He redeems your life from destruction, He crowns you with kindness and compassion,
He fills your lifetime with good; your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Ps. 103:1-5

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

“When You Ask God”
I’ve heard lots of people say if they win money they are going to give some to Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Janet and/or Joanne.
When you ask God, do you ask him for yourself and a list of other people to share it with?
When God gives it to you does he attach a list of people you are suppose to share it with?
There is no rule in the Bible that say you have to share what you received.

Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one. — Indira Gandhi (1917-1984)

There is no happiness for people at the expense of other people. — Anwar Sadat (1918-1981)

Outside is cold so what did winter say to spring… I am not going away.

Monday, May 13, 2013

“My Students My Children”
I met a teacher Monday to Friday, every week for 10 months. We used to have great conversations about everyday life. One Friday before Mother’s Day we stood talking. As the conversation was ending she said, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
“I said, “Thank you. The same to you. I hope you have a wonderful day.”
She said sadly, “Mrs. Joseph I don’t have any children.
I said, “How many children are in you class?”
“30 children.”
“I said, “Biologically you don’t, but daily you deal with 30 different attitudes. You spend time and do more for these children than their mothers. You edify —improving their knowledge. You nurture — Play the role of a mother as care giver and protector. You encourage them to be successful, you quiet their arguments, you make sure they are fed, you make sure they seek health care when they are ill. I can go on and on about what you do for them. She looked at me astounded.
“I never thought about teaching in that way. It was work. You’ve opened my eyes. Thank you. I am going to take all the Mother’s Day post cards that I received from my students…”
“Not students, children,” I said.
“Yes my children’s cards, and read them. I have five years of cards to read, so I have to go...

“The Wonder Of A Mother’s Love”
Foolish or smart~~ However you may turn out~~ That flame in her heart~~ Won’t ever die~~ A mother’s love~~ Is HEAVENLY SWEET~~ Here on earth it can’t be beat~~ So come to you~~ From up above~~ Is the wonder of~~ A MOTHER’S LOVE!~~~~~

Sunday, May 12, 2013

“Happy Mother’s Day”
To all Mothers and also to all those FATHERS who have to do double duty –FATHER AND MOTHER… Happy Mother’s Day.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Guilty By Association”
Out of 100% of the sayings by the old folks, 99.9% of the time they are correct. ‘Friends would take you but they would not bring you back’.
One day when my son was in high school he and some of his classmates went to a bodega. He took up 4 packs of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and 2 packs of lemon cookies. When he got to the cashier all of his classmates were in front paying, except one who stood next to him. He had two packs of chips in his hands. As my son was about to pay the guy who stood next to him ran out of the store. The owner asked my son if he knew the guy. He said for a moment he froze thinking he could say no, but then he said yes, don’t  worry I am paying for him. He said he paid for his items and the two bags of chips that the classmate stole.
I said, “Do you see why I always told you, do not go shopping with friends. If they do anything dishonest you would be guilty by association.”…

"My grandmother used to say that, 'You can put truth in the river five days after a lie, but truth is going to catch up,' Sen. Nina Turner

Friday, May 10, 2013

I’m listening to Lite FM and the music is just great. One of my favorite songs just played and this is it... Hoobastank – The Reason

“A Beautiful Morning”
The sun is shining brightly, the leaves on the trees are still — no breeze, but it is a beautiful morning… Happy Friday to you and you and to you too.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Unemployed US bus driver Ariel Castro charged with the kidnap and rape of three women, is held on an eight-million-dollar bond… Let’s see if someone out there is going to pay this bond for this creep.

Narcissism is so prevalent! It is scary!

A rattlesnake loose in the living room tends to end all discussion of animal rights.Lance Morrow

By gold all good faith has been banished; by gold our rights are abused; the law itself is influenced by gold, and soon there will be an end of every modest restraint. — Sextus Propertius (Born around 50–45 BC died after 15 BC)

From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own.Carl Schurz (1829-1960)

“Stand His Loses”
I believe the most dangerous man in this world is a man who cannot stand his loses. If he is defeated he gets enraged and he hurts someone or something…

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

“Did You know”
In the fall of 2009, Cleveland police found the bodies of 11 African-American women buried at the home of convicted sexual predator Anthony Sowell. This was no ordinary crime scene, and our town was overrun by national and international media as the story unfolded in horrifying detail over several days.
By Connie Schultz, Tuesday May 07, 2013

The three women getting away from their captors had my family and I talking this morning about “The Kidnapper” who tried to bring heartache to us.
I am wondering what our life would be like today, if the unthinkable did happen, twenty years ago. There are times in your life you have to say thank God for giving you a six sense, intuition, perception, etc… I had to go to the store to buy something. A feeling of trepidation was in my heart and I did not want to go, but I needed the item. My son was three years old, and he was home from daycare, so I had to take him with me. Since I was having an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, I held his hand and made sure he was next to me at all times. When we arrived at the store there were about five people shopping. One woman stood out. She was wearing a green shirt. It was the exact color as the one that I was wearing. When she looked my way, I felt more anxious and I started to question myself. “Why am I feeling this way?” I decided not to browse… just get the item, pay for it and leave the store. The moment I got it, I stood in line and I held on to my son’s hand. When I got to the cashier, I put my item on the counter, let go of my son’s hand, opened my handbag and took out my wallet. As I was about to pay, I looked down for my son. He was not there so I called out to him, but there was no answer. I kept shouting his name and my intuition was saying to me, “Go to the front door”, so I ran to it. I asked the security guard who was standing near the door, if he saw a little boy wearing a red tee shirt and blue jeans. He told me a woman walked out with a little boy who was wearing those same color clothes. I ran out of the store onto the sidewalk. The lady in the same color shirt, was holding my son's hand, waiting to get on the bus… I shouted my son's name and he looked around, and said, “Mommy?” then he looked up at the lady… I screamed for him to come and he pulled away from her. She saw me running towards them and she started running… I held onto my son tightly. He started to cry and he told me that the woman looked like me. I told him it’s okay. I kept looking at the woman, as she sprinted away