Saturday, March 23, 2013

“You Won’t Believe Another Mother”
I have to say so far so good with me and my children. They are not afraid to tell me anything. My daughter is fifteen and her friends are in the fifteen/sixteen age group. She called one of her friends. (I’m going to use X for her friend’s name) and they spoke for a few then hung up. The phone started ringing a few minutes later. I saw it was X’s number so I told my daughter the phone was for her. She answered it. After the conversation she came to me and said, “Mom listen to this. You know I called X and we talked?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Well the call I just got was from…X’s mother. This is what her mother said. ‘Did someone call my house from this number.’ I told her my name and I did call to speak to X. She asked me if I have a brother? I told her yes. She then said, are you telling me the truth or did your brother call my house? I told her that my brother is 22yrs and he would not call X. ‘I hope you are telling me the truth she said in an angry voice. This lady upset me!”
I asked her if she wanted me to speak to her, but she told me no… I told her don’t ever converse with any parent about their mistrust of their children… Just tell them to speak to me…

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