Wednesday, March 13, 2013

“Punishment For A Thief” (1)
 When someone steals something from you the stolen item should turn against them…
Car~ The moment the thief sits in the drivers seat, the seat belt should automatically strap him/her in. As he/she drives away, the radio should come on and a voice should say, “Take this car back to the owner! No questions asked!” If he/she doesn’t and keeps driving the seat belt should slowly start to tighten… getting tighter and tighter. If he/she stops and tries to release the seat belt it doesn’t. The belt continues tightening and the voice on the radio says, “You will die soon if you don’t take this car back to the owner.” He/she starts the car turns it around and park it where he/she got it. The seat belt releases him/her, he/she staggers out of the car and hurries away…

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