Wednesday, March 6, 2013

“This Morning At Breakfast”
I started the conversation. “It is Wednesday, the middle of the week and we are going to have a snow storm … It is going to last until Friday.”
“Is it going to be really bad?” My daughter asked.
“Yes… Blizzard… Nor’easter… what ever you want to call it.”
“Okay,” She said.
My son did not say anything just continued eating. I was waiting to see how they would dress to go to school. He dressed as usual. I did not mind what clothes he had on because he wore his warm coat, but on his feet… Converse sneakers.
“Why didn’t you put on your boots.”
“I wasn’t thinking and putting on my boots now will make me late. I have to leave now.”
My daughter walked out of her bedroom and I looked down at her feet … Sneakers.
“Mom! Did you have to look at my feet?”
“Put on your boots, your sneakers in your bag for gym and then when you are coming home this evening put on your boots again.”
“Mom! It’s not even raining or snowing yet!”
“I know but it is coming. Boots please!”

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