Friday, September 14, 2012

“My History Book On Trinidad And Tobago
Oh gosh … Nancy Story~
Last night, I was talking to my husband about Trinidad and Tobago~ I must say that he is my history book on these two sister isles~ I said that Trinidad and Tobago Carnival is not like the carnival we knew fifty, forty, thirty, even twenty years ago~~~
He said, “True. Years ago, the masqueraders costumes used to depict Trinbago and world history~ Then you had the Moko Jumbie, Fancy Indian, jab jab, Dame Lorraine –(was usually played by men dressed as women, big bosoms and bati), cow mas’ Baby doll …” And then he said, Midnight Robber.”
“I was scared of those Midnight Robbers!”
He smiled then he said, “They used to blow their whistle, say their name, start moving this way, and then they would say something like this … ‘I am your angel of death~ My job on the face of this earth is to check up on the dead and hurry up on the living~ Because when people die by natural causes they take too long’~”
Hysterical ~ The children and I were laughing hard…
“I used to try to hide every time I saw a Midnight robber because I knew he was going to say something scary~”  
“Crick-crack monkey break ‘e back for a piece of pommerack.” …

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