Sunday, May 27, 2012

“Perfection Matters”
His son said that he doesn’t know what is wrong with his friend.
“Is he sick,” his father asked.
“In his mind he probably is. This dude’s parents pay all his bills, buys all his clothes, gives him spending money and they bought him a car.”
“We do the same for you.”
“Yes, but my GPA is 3.9 and his is 1.5.”
“What?! 1.5! What did his parents say?” his father asked.
“He told them that he had to meet with the college administrators to convince them not to kick him out.”
“Wow! I cannot believe this. His parents must be very upset.”
“Nah. They told him that they would stand by him, regardless of the outcome. You and mom are not so lenient with me. You are not even pleased that my GPA is 3.9…

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