Saturday, May 26, 2012

“Not Afraid Of Anything”
PAPA BOIS… Also know as MAITRE BOIS (Master of the woods)… DADDY BOUCHON (hairy Man)…. He is the old man of the forest.

SOUCOUYANT (Soo-koo-yaan)… SUCOUYA (Soo-coo-yah)… An old frightful woman, who sheds her skin and transforms herself into a ball of fire at night; She sucks the blood of her victims. 

Very late one night, Moses listened to his two friends profess to be brave – not afraid of anything.
Nathan said that his father told him and his siblings that a friend of his was confronted by papa bois.
Isaiah said that his mother told them that a soucouyant used to terrorize the neighborhood, a friend of hers lived in. This creature did this at 3 o’clock every morning.
3 AM is the witching hour,” Moses said.
“Isn’t it strange that our parents never saw any of these creatures, but they all knew someone who saw one? I don’t believe any of it~ Even the part about the witching hour. It is nonsense,” Nathan said.
True! We have been out at that hour most nights and we never came across any evil creatures!” Isaiah said.
“They exist. I saw papa bois when I went hunting one night with my father,” Moses said,
“You never told us about that!”
“No because you won’t believe me,” Moses said and he started to make slow steps backwards.
“Why are you moving backwards?” Nathan asked.
Moses did not answer. His sudden strange mood, made Nathan and Isaiah become agitated. They started to walk slowly towards him, but he kept moving.
“Moses! What’s wrong?!” Nathan shouted.
 “You won’t believe me if I told you, that papa bois is behind you,” Moses said.
The moment he said that, hands came down heavily, on Nathan and Isaiah’s shoulders…

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