Wednesday, January 25, 2012

“Stupid Situations Kills Friendship”

I read a book that was very inspirational~ A friend came to visit~ She was stressed and in dire need of encouragement so I loaned her the book. After reading it, she told me it was helpful and she would return it. Weeks went by~ She did not return the book and I forgot about it. Months later, I wanted to loan it to a relative~ I couldn’t find it then I remembered my friend had it so I phoned her. After we chatted about this and that, I asked her for the book.
“I gave it back to you,” she said.
“The last time I visited you.”
My mind raced back to the last time she visited and I could not recall her giving it to me, so I said, “No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did!” she was adamant and sounded a bit angry.
“I looked in my home and I did not find it. Can you please look in your home to see if it is there?”
“I know that it is not here, but I will look!”
Five minutes later, she called. “I did not find it! It is not in my home so you better look for it in your home!” She said and hung up.
I stood there astounded and wondering what just happened. I dialed her number. In a hostile tone she said, “What do you want!?”
“Why are you so annoyed?” I asked.
“I loathe when people accuse me of taking their things.”
“Accused you? I did not accuse you of anything. I simply asked you to look in your home for my book.”
“I told you I don’t have it!”
She hung up before I could say anything.
It suddenly upsettingly hit me that this was a stupid situation~ It killed our friendship…

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