Tuesday, January 17, 2012

“Private Caller”

I love the old folks… One day, I was sitting next to an elderly woman. Her cell phone started ringing~ She rummage through her handbag, found it, looked at it then she bent closer to me and whispered, “My phone says, ‘Private Caller’, Do you know who is calling?”
Smiling at her, I whispered, “I don’t know.”
“How silly~ I am sorry honey. You wouldn’t know who it is because there is no phone number and you don’t know me,” she said and chuckled with a pleasant smile.
I smiled and then I said, “The person who called doesn’t want you to know their phone number.”
“Oh! So it is okay for them to know my number~ Don’t you think that is rude.”
“It is rude,” I said.
“The next time I get a call from them, they would get a good speech from me… hmm,” she said~ bent closer to me with a sneaky smile on her lips then whispered, “You know what a good speech is~ right?”...

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