Sunday, January 8, 2012

“Innocence Is Charming”

I saw a little boy about 4yrs old, walking with his father in the distance. His actions looked as though he was talking a lot because his father would look down at him ever so often and laugh. The little boy would laugh too and I thought that, that was a good sign between a father and son. My daughter was on the other side of the street, waiting to cross. The little boy got to were I was standing and he stopped while his father continued walking. He looked at me then he said, “I see you standing here, when I was way down there and you still here. Who you waiting for?”
His father stopped and exclaimed. “Ryan! Why are you asking the lady that!? That is none of your business!”
I chuckled then said, “That’s okay. I am waiting for my daughter. She is standing by the lights to cross the street,” I said pointing to where she was.
“Which one is your daughter?”
“The girl in the brown coat.”
“She look nice.”
“So you like her?”
He bent his head with a blushing smile and whispered, “Yes.” He held his father’s hand and they walked on.
“I smiled thinking that innocence is charming.”

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