Saturday, December 31, 2011

“Real Sick”

Drinking tea for another person’s fever could make you real sick~

“PATIENCE! My word for 2012"~

Friday, December 30, 2011

“To Move Forward”

The ship cannot sail when the anchor is down~ To move forward~ cut the anchor or pull it up~

“Engender New Rules”

A Wasted Year~ You think? For real~ hmm. If a person/s, animal/s, place/s and or thing/s’ caused you to waste the year~ You need to disassociate yourself from him/her/it/all~ A new year is dawning~ start your new chapter without~ hindrance~ obstruction~ impediment~ barrier~ obstacle~ encumbrance~ handicap~ difficulty~ interference~ interruption~ hindrance~

Thursday, December 29, 2011

“Feeding Baby With Natural Milk”

Breast feeding a baby in public... hmm what's the big deal~ There are times when it is necessary~ I never heard anyone complain about animals breast feeding and they do it where ever they are~ As a child, I saw many women do it in public~ Animals do it~ I grew up with the understanding that it is one of the most natural things in life.
Some babies don’t like processed baby formulas/food~ What, are you going to do if you are out in public and your baby is hungry~ hmm. Buy them a soda/beer~ oh DRAMA!
I wonder if these complainers were breast fed~ hmm.
Feeding baby with natural milk is healthier and cheaper. I say breast fed your baby…

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

“December And January”

Makes me wordy~ stimulating memories of the past~ Pensive and sad~ offering little hope~ I honest to goodness only like one day in December~ Twenty-fifth~ I am not to excited about January~ The one thing I am not going to do is~ be anxious, be concerned, be troubled, be bothered, and or lose sleep over 2012… Best wishes to you and yours~ Remember~ NO DRINKING AND DRIVING/NO ROAD RAGE…

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


You woke up this morning~ Shake off that acute lack of mental alertness~ STUPOR!
Step out of the box~ STEP FORWARD!
Pick up yourself ~ PRESS ON!
2012~ New Year~ New Attitude~ PROGRESS!

Monday, December 26, 2011

“To You And You”

Yes to all of you~ Cheers...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

“My Heart Is Happy”

Happy birthday Jesus~ Oh how great it is to see this day~ my heart is happy~ To all of my readers, I hope your heart is happy too~

Saturday, December 24, 2011

"I Am Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time"


Friday, December 23, 2011

“The Thought That Counts”

Yesterday I received my first Christmas gift. It was a bag of onions from the vegetable market. When we left the market, I smiled and whispered to my son, “I guess they decided to give me something to cry about.”
“Hey, when you’re crying, remember, it’s the thought that counts,” He said…

Thursday, December 22, 2011

“Drinking Driving Road Rage”

Don’t let those two enemies over take your existence –DRINKING AND DRIVING AND OR ROAD RAGE. Before you succumb to these two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you…

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

“Don’t Look Out At Nights”

Two Fridays ago I heard endless police cars speeding down the street that I live on. I was a bit concerned because my daughter and many other children were coming home from school, at that time of the day. When I got outside, it was raining, but I walked out, onto the sidewalk. There were many parked police cars on the street, and many police men, were walking towards a building. I kept looking in the direction my daughter usually came from. When I finally saw her, I walked quickly towards her. She started running towards me.
The moment we met she said, “Mom, let us go inside now! Something terrible happened in the building, at the corner, because I heard someone screaming, and other people crying!” She pulled me towards the door, but the writer in me, wanted to know what happened, so I stood where I was, and kept my eyes on the building. My daughter was adamant, “Mom, let’s go inside!”
The moment we walked in, I turned on the television and scanned the channels. There was no news about the situation outside, but it played on my mind all weekend. Monday came and still no news. On Tuesday morning about 2AM, I heard voices that were a bit loud outside. I did not look out because I remembered the old folks saying ‘Don’t look out at nights when you hear noises, because you will see something that you don’t want to see’. I listened to the voices, but I could not comprehend what was being said. Later that morning I was pissed because I did not look out… One of my favorite show was being filmed~ I missed out on the drama…

“Two Mothers Crying”

This year is ending with a big bang… I really don’t like it… One mother’s son is in critical condition in the hospital and the other mother’s son is in jail…

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

“For Giving And Forgiving”

The Christmas I remember, in Trinidad and Tobago, was a beautiful celebration~ Christmas was FOR GIVING and FORGIVING.
Relatives, friends and neighbors, (It does not matter what your religion is.) visit each other bearing gifts…
A feud between you, and or your relatives, friends, and, neighbors went on for the whole year~ everyone held on to the argument ignoring each. On Christmas day the feuding people came over to your home to celebrate. You welcomed them, and you all apologize, for the nonsense that caused you to stop talking to each other...

Monday, December 19, 2011

“A Real Life Situation”

Saturday, April 09, 2011, I posted a real life situation that happened to me and my son. I was paying attention to him, and in split second, a woman took him. Please be on your guard when you are out with your children… More vigilant during this busy time of the year~
“The Kidnapper” (Re-Posting)
I am wondering what my life would be like today, if the unthinkable did happen, eighteen years ago. There are times in your life you have to say thank God for giving you a six sense, intuition, perception, etc… I had to go to the store to buy something. A feeling of trepidation was in my heart and I did not want to go, but I needed the item. My son was three years old, and he was home from daycare, so I had to take him with me. Since I was having an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, I held his hand and made sure he was next to me at all times. When we arrived at the store there were about five people shopping. One woman stood out. She was wearing a green shirt. It was the exact color as the one that I was wearing. When she looked my way, I felt more anxious and I started to question myself. “Why am I feeling this way?” I decided not to browse… just get the item, pay for it and leave the store. The moment I got it, I stood in line and I held on to my son’s hand. When I got to the casher, I put my item on the counter, let go of my son’s hand, opened my handbag and took out my wallet. As I was about to pay, I looked down for my son. He was not there so I called out to him, but there was no answer. I kept shouting his name and my intuition was saying to me, “Go to the front door”, so I ran to it. I asked the security guard who was standing near the door, if he saw a little boy wearing a red tee shirt and blue jeans. He told me a woman walked out with a little boy who was wearing those same color clothes. I ran out of the store onto the sidewalk. The lady in the same color shirt, was holding my son's hand, waiting to get on the bus… I shouted my son's name and he looked around, and said, “Mommy?” then he looked up at the lady… I screamed for him to come and he pulled away from her. She saw me running towards them and she started running in the opposite direction… I held onto my son tightly. He started to cry and he told me that the woman looked like me. I told him it’s okay. I kept looking at the woman, as she sprinted away…

Sunday, December 18, 2011

“Women Know How To Find Things”

Men and children don’t know how to find the things that they want… After they used an item, you would say to them, “Put it where you could find it, the next time you need it.” They never do, and then they ask you if you see it. You did not see it, but you start looking in all the places it shouldn’t be… You find it, and then they would say, “Thanks, I know you knew where you put it”…

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I love saying okay, alright~ These two words, circumvent the argument that I don’t want to get into… It pisses some of them off and they say that I say it, in a sarcastic tone… Okay~ Alright…

Friday, December 16, 2011

“They Will Never Forget”

A dear friend, always say this to me… People will forget~ what you tell them. They will forget~ how you treat them. But they will never forget~ how you make them feel...

“A Free Will”

He gave each man/woman a free will~ Why, do you want to take away another man/woman’s free will?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

“Emotionally Exhausted”

I sometimes wonder why I answer the phone~
Did you ever have a conversation with someone and after it was over you feel emotionally exhausted…. Just freaking drained? You feel so tired that your brain wants to shut down… It does not want to hear another word from another person~~~~

“Trinbagonian Mothers’ Sayings”

You say to your mother, “Ah pregnant.”
Mother, “Not me an’ you! Where ever yuh ketch yuh cold~ Dat is where, yuh go blow, yuh nose!”
Mother saying something to you and you steups (Suck your teeth)… “You steupsing! Oh! So yuh playin’ man/woman! When you pee it frothing~ It making hole in the ground!” Mother Exclaims.
Now you shrug your shoulder and walk away. Mother, “Yuh gettin’ beside yuh self! Ah go buss yuh tail!”
Some Trinbagonian mothers’ sayings…

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

“Where You Least Expect It”

Looking through the window at this cold morning, many things are playing on my mind to write. I used to love December because of Christmas, but as the years go by, so many people are crying that I am feeling melancholy… Yesterday I thought, ‘what a drab Christmas is going to be’… The excitement was over. My daughter came home from school and we talked for a moment while she ate something. She started to do her homework. The moment she was finished she started opening drawers looking.
“What are you looking for?” I asked.
“My Christmas gifts.”
“Okay,” I said smiling then continued doing what I was doing.
“Mom, don’t say, 'okay'. Just tell me where they are. Give me a clue.”
“Where you least expect it.”
Now she was looking more intently and I was laughing hard and thinking, oh how Children makes the Christmas Season joyful…

"Good Morning"

~Good Morning~ Good Morning~ Good Morning~ To you. Don't forget to say, "I LOVE YOU"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

“Oh What A Surreal Heartbreaking Moment”

My friend just called to let me know that the love of her life passed away… I knew him through her eyes and I know there is a deep hole in her heart… I am praying that she and her children get strength and courage to face the days ahead…


~Endurance~ Staying power~ Tolerance~ Lack of complaint~ Persistence~ Fortitude~ Serenity~ You would never know that I am anxiously waiting for~ Oh what a virtue it is and I have it…

Monday, December 12, 2011

“You Think A Jackass Stupid”

He tied ten large crocus bags of salt, on his jackass. The jackass felt weighed down so he started to walk slowly. “Wait! Where the hell are you going!? I am not ready to go yet! I need to tie two more bags on you!”
The jackass stood still looking for a way to lighten his load… When the master went to get the bags of salt, the jackass turned and walked into the river… As the old folks used to say... You think a Jackass stupid? Hmm…

Sunday, December 11, 2011

“Memory Lane While I Cook”

One day when my daughter was 4yrs old, she came home from school and in her little voice she said… Mommy I am hungry. Do you have any flour kneed there, and salt fish? I smiled because this child was sounding like my father. He used to say that to my mother sometimes when he came in from work… I am making fried bakes and buljhol.
“Fry Bakes”
4 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoon sugar or ½ teaspoon salt (I like sugar in my fry bakes. I am not a fan of salt so I am not going to tell you to add more.)
Oil for frying.
Mix flour, baking powder sugar or salt adding a little water at a time to make soft dough, not sticky. Knead for 8 to 10 minutes. Put in a bowl, cover and let rest for ½ an hour… Cut pieces and roll into a small ball. Roll out ¼ inch thick… Fry in hot oil turning over… fry until brown.
This is my recipe for making fried bakes… At times I add ½ cup of whole wheat flour or ½ cup fine cornmeal.
I am serving with buljhol, but I must have a couple fry bake with extra sharp cheddar cheese… Nice real Nice.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

“My Word For The Day”

I said good morning~ You did not answer.
I held the door for you~ You walked through and ignored me.
I gave you my seat~ You sat down and ignored me.
Now, I am thinking this would be a nicer world if we are all GRACIOUS~ cordial~ hospitable~ good-natured~ pleasant~ sociable~ courteous~ polite~ Etcetera, Etcetera!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

“The Pyramid Scheme”

Many years ago, a friend invited me to a meeting… There was going to be a discussion about how to double your money. She told me to bring $1,000.00 and it would be doubled. When I walked into her home that night, I counted 15 people. I smiled because these 15 people were well-to-do… They all had great jobs... What more do they want? The BOSS of the group set up an easel, with a white board and some markers. He introduced himself then he started to construct the plan, on how to double your money. I don’t profess to be a math wiz, but I knew one –my father. He taught me well. As the BOSS showed the plan, I said to myself, ‘PYRAMID!... Some people are going to win and some are going to lose’. I looked at some of the faces in the room and they were glowing with excitement. The cash register was registering in their heads… chee-ching chee- ching!!!
The BOSS finished explaining then he said, “If any of you wish to join, sign your name and I will collect the $1,000.00”. People rushed to sign their names, and pay the money. I did not sign. When the money started to pile up, I decided to leave. I did not want to see the reactions, of the people, who did not get any money… A week later, I was told that the pyramid collapsed and the drama started…

"Cold Cold"

I don't mean I want a glass of juice, soda.... I mean it is cold like hell outside...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”

In this cold un-forgiving world, there is not a lot for many children to look forward too… Some of them see the innocence in Santa Claus… Why not let them enjoy the moment that Santa Claus is coming to town?…

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

“Words That Stay With Me”

I don’t know who the author of this poem is, but the words would ever so often pop up in my mind…
There is no way to the end of a journey,~ But to travel the road that leads to it,~ It may be a long and weary road,~ And strength and courage often fail,~ But we must not give up.~ There is more to this poem, but I can’t remember…

"Two powerful asses bind the will of man –Fear and Unbelief"

I heard an elderly man say this to someone... I think he hit the nail on the head real hard.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I saw some people this morning in high spirits, some were looking downhearted and some were just going with the flow.
Another day~ Another story~ We all have a chapter so do not forget that it is your choice to carry the load that you are holding…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

“Picture This Moment”

She looked through the window and there were 2 turkeys, 2 frizzle fowls and 1 rooster walking in the yard… 2 ducks were swimming in the pond. The leaves on the trees were swaying to the gentle morning breeze… Her heart felt elated, and she hoped that this day was going to be a super-duper one. A day without excitement would be welcomed. The puppy was lying on his stomach as he stared straight ahead. He suddenly started to bark excitedly and she looked to see what was causing such a raucous... Her 2 year old son was sitting under the mango tree, eating a mango, and a coral snake was slithering towards him…

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jan’s Mysterious Adventure~

Douen~ Spirit, Lugarhoo~ Werewolf, La diablesse~ Witch.

Friday, December 2, 2011

“CHAPTER 2~ Jan’s Mysterious Adventure”

We left the school and headed towards our homes. I was feeling excited.
“Jan, I know you were not paying attention in class. Who showed you how to work that sum?” asked Kelley.
“My dad.”
“You are lucky because Mrs. Johnson would have embarrassed you if you did not know how to do it.”
“I know, but do you find that Mrs. Johnson looks unhappy?”
“She does. I wonder if she has a family.”
“I don’t think she does because I never heard anyone talked about her having one.”
“She must be lonely. I’m glad that we have families who love us.”
“Me too.”
About one hundred yards from the school, the road was underwater. The stream had overflowed its bank and poured on to the road. On the right side of the road was a big savannah. It was fenced with barbed wire. The savannah looked like a shallow pond, and there were cows grazing in it. The stream was on the left side of the road. On the bank of the stream, there were guava trees, mango trees, and a huge tamarind tree. Farther along, there was a wooded area. There were Poui tree, teak trees, rubber trees, and many other tall trees. These trees blocked out the sun so the woods looked dark and dismal.
Our parents as well as the school principal told us not to cross the stream. On sunny days, many children would cross the stream to pick some of the fruits. Although the guava and mangoes looked inviting, no one attempted to cross today.
Some children took off their shoes and walked through the water barefooted. There were other children who climbed on to the barbed wire and walked sideways along the fence, until they made it to dry ground.
“Jan, do you want to try and walk on the fence?”
“No way, Kelley. I might fall.”
I pulled up my skirt and stepped into the water. It felt cold. “Ouch!”
“How does it feel?” asked Kelley.
“Come on, it feels good.”
Kelley stepped in.
“Oh my gosh…. It’s . . . cold!” shouted Kelley, shivering. Jan you tricked me. You didn’t tell me the water is cold?”
Jan started to laugh. Randee, Mark, and a few other boys were splashing water on anyone, who tried to walk by them, so Kelley and I stayed back. Stuart and Andrea were walking on the fence, and they started arguing.
“Andrea, you are moving too slow. Hurry up!”
“Stuart, if you think you could walk faster than me, you can go ahead.”
Stuart was in a hurry, so he decided to walk past Andrea. Andrea stood on the fence and held on tightly. Stuart moved quickly, and the fence started shaking. Everyone started shouting at him.
“Stuart, you are going to fall!” shouted one person.
“Don’t do that! Are you crazy?” shouted another.
“Stuart, if you make me fall, I’m going to beat you up!” shouted Andrea.
We were all looking at Stuart in amazement and waiting for the fence to collapse and for everyone who was on it, to fall into the water. As he was about to pass Andrea, his feet slipped, and he fell in a sitting position, into the water.
There was a big uproar. Everyone, laugh out loudly. Kelley and I clapped at Stuart for making the evening exciting. Although Stuart looked embarrassed, I had to say something to him for being so foolish.
“Stuart, as the old folks would say, More haste, less speed.”
He looked at me angrily but he did not say anything.
Kelley whispered, “Jan, if looks could kill, you know where you would be right now?”
“I know.”
He got up, and for a moment, I thought he was going to do something to me, but he turned and walked out of the water as fast as he could, to the jeers of the other children.
After Stuart’s spill, everyone started to walk out of the water to dry ground. Randee shouted at us.
“Jan and Kelley, come on. Let’s go home.”
“We are coming,” I said.
Kelley and I continued playing in the water. After a while, I looked around. I was surprised that Kelley and I were the only ones still playing in the water. Randee shouted at us again.
“Hey! Come on.”
I turned to Kelley and told her we should go, but she did not move. She was staring into the woods. Her face was as white as a sheet.
“Kelley, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“I saw someone in the woods. It must be a Douen.”
“Come on, Kelley, you know Douens are one of the characters that our parents talk about during story time.”
“No, Jan, they are real. They are actually spirits that live in the woods and they lure children in to it, to steal them. My parents told me about many children who where stolen by Douens.”
I knew most of the stories that were told about our folklore, but I don’t believe those stories.
“Kelley, there is no one in the woods. It’s probably a tree branch and the wind is making it seem as though someone is there.”
“Jan, I did see someone. Look over there.” She pointed to an area where the trees were close.
I looked, but I did not see anything.
“Kelley, there is no one there.”
She held my hand, pulled me closer to the stream, and pointed to the woods.
“Look over at those big trees.”
When I looked in the direction she was pointing, I saw something move. I stepped closer to get a better view. I was amazed to see two children playing in the woods. I could not see their faces because they were wearing big straw hats and their feet were about knee height in water.
My heart started to beat very fast because those stories we were told about characters like these, were coming to life.
Douens wore large straw hats and their feet were turned backwards. I stared at the children. They were clapping their hands and laughing at what was being said to each other. I could not believe what I was seeing, so I closed my eyes tightly for a few second then opened them again to make sure of what I was seeing. I could hear the laughter, but I could not see their faces.
I was scared. I was sure that these two children who were all alone in the woods must be Douens. I did not realize I was standing close to the edge of the stream, until Kelley shouted at me.
“Jan, step back, you might fall!”
I could not move because my legs were shaking.
“Jan, give me your hand!”
I stretched out my hand and tried to step back, but my feet slipped from under me and I fell into the stream.

The current was very strong, and I headed down the stream at a terrific speed. I could hear Kelley screaming my name. The sound of her voice faded, and I knew I had gone farther down the stream. I could feel my body being bumped and scratched by rocks and weeds. About two miles down the stream, I suddenly stopped~~~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Jan’s Mysterious Adventure"

This book is going to give many of you an intriguing walk down memory lane…