Wednesday, November 30, 2011

“A Peek Inside” ~ Jan's Mysterious Adventure

C H A P T E R 1

I sat in my classroom, listening to Mrs. Johnson explain how to multiply fractions. The room was quiet. Almost everyone was listening attentively.
Randee made a paper plane, and he was waiting for Mrs. Johnson to turn to the blackboard so he could throw it to Mark. Although I was hearing Mrs. Johnson, I was not listening to her. The pitter-patter of the rain on the galvanized roof was more interesting.
I looked over at Kelley and whispered, “We are going to have fun today.”
“Yes,” said Kelley, smiling.
We both knew that when it rained this heavy, the stream usually overflows its bank and pours on to the road.
Although the water is not clear, you could see the little tadpoles, guppies, and small conch swimming in the water.
Some of the boys would find a pan to catch some of the guppies and conch to take home. They would put them into a drum half filled with water. The body of the conch is sometimes pulled out, and the shell is kept as an ornament.
The sound of a ruler hitting my desk jolted me back to reality. Mrs. Johnson spoke in a stern voice.
“Jan, are you sitting in my class, or out in the rain?”
I could feel all eyes on me. I felt embarrassed and when I spoke, my voice was shaky.
“I . . . I . . . I’m in . . . cla-class.”
Everyone started laughing, except Kelley.
“Quiet class!” Mrs. Johnson said in her most stern voice, and in the same tone, she spoke to me, “Jan, there is a fraction on the board. Go to the board and work it out!”
I knew that Mrs. Johnson expected me not to know how to multiply that fraction, and she was waiting for me to make a mistake. I was not worried because my father had shown me how to do fractions.
When I walked up to the board, all eyes were on me. I took my time in working out the sum. When I was finished, Mrs. Johnson did not praise me for doing the sum correctly. I knew she was a bit angry because she did not get the chance to embarrass me.
Mrs. Johnson took the chalk from my hand, and spoke to the class.
“Class, do you understand what was done?”
“Yes, Mrs. Johnson,” they responded.
I walked back to my seat, and Kelley whispered, as I walked by her desk, “Good job.”
I sat down, and I thought about Mrs. Johnson. She was stern. Many of the children did not like her, but our parents did because she was a very good teacher. Every child that came out of her class went into specialized Junior high schools. She was the type of teacher who would take a child to sit at her desk and teach them a math problem or any other subject they did not understand.
Most evenings when I arrived home from school and my parents ask me how my day was, I would try to convince them that Mrs. Johnson doesn’t like me, but my mom would say, “Jan, you are not in her class for her to like you; you are there for her to teach you.”
After a while when my mother would start saying those words, I would say them with her and we would start laughing.
Mrs. Johnson had the unhappiest face I had ever seen on anyone. I wondered if she had a family. An hour after my near mishap with her, school was dismissed. The rain was still falling, and the sun was shining. I knew that the rain was going to stop soon.
Many parents came to pick up their children from school. I was glad that my parents and Kelley’s did not come to take us home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

“It Is A Nice Feeling To Daydream”

We were walking and talking… She was saying that she feels really good and I said, “I feel the same way.” We smiled at each other then I said, “It really feels nice outside this morning.”
“It does,” she said.
“Do you think it would stay like this until next year?”
“Mom, it is a nice feeling to daydream.”
I started to laugh…

Monday, November 28, 2011

“An Eerie Moment"

A woman just called my home to do a survey on a cemetery... Her voice sounds like something from a horror movie...Oh, what an eerie moment.


You hold on and hold on… Then time goes by and you start wondering… What am I holding on to? So slowly, but then keenly, you let go… poof!!!

The Lesson You Have To Learn"

Patience is the lesson you have to learn
The constant dropping of the water wears away the hardest stone…
Intolerance is ignorance matured.
The sweetest and holy incensed of a godly life, will melt intolerance much quicker than the hottest flame or hardest blow… (Aquarian Gospel)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

“Make A Change”

You see the big stone everyday… It has been a stumbling block in your life since you know yourself… You’ve kicked that stone on a number of occasions… Even busted your toe, yet you continue to move in the direction of the stone… You have to CHANGE YOUR COURSE…

Saturday, November 26, 2011

“He Gave A Précis”

Just imagine I decide to go to the cinema to see a movie. Paid –$15.00 for my ticket. Popcorn and water –paid $8.00… Sat in the cinema waiting for the move to start… Previews of other movies started… Ten to fifteen minutes later, I was getting a bit anxious to see my movie… The screen goes dark for a moment so now, I am really hoping the movie starts… Suddenly, a man appears on the screen… He gives a précis of the movie… I was stunned because I heard the beginning, middle and the end of the movie… What the dickens did I come to the movies for?...

Friday, November 25, 2011


NOT ME IN THAT MAD SCENE... Just heard on the news –In one mall some men were arguing then gun shots were fired and in another a woman sprayed pepper spray to keep the crowd at bay... I can't understand how people want to kill/hurt people to spend their money... hmm –MADNESS…
“The Excitement Is On Override”
Great company –family and friends –great conversations. Delicious food –Turkey, peas and rice, lasagna, macaroni pie, collard greens, spaghetti delight, potato salad, bar-b-q pork, geera pork, mashed potato and pumpkin pie… Food galore… It was a great day, but now the excitement is on override –Christmas…

Thursday, November 24, 2011

“Drinking Driving Road Rage

Don’t let those two enemies over take your existence –DRINKING AND DRIVING/AND OR ROAD RAGE.
Before you succumb to these two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you…

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

“Just A Feeling”

It was raining buckets since yesterday... It stopped, but it's coming again... Outside looks like twilight. I'm in a tranquil mood... I want to hop right back in bed... That is just a feeling... hmm. The best thing about this day… it is raining not snowing...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

“Marinate/Soak Turkey”

I get turned off from food if I smell the fresh smell that turkey has, if it is not marinated/soaked hours before it is cooked… This is how I prepare my turkey for roasting/frying.
1. I submerge my turkey in a bucket filled with water that has; 2 cups of lime/lemon juice, 1 cup salt, ½ cup vinegar. Then I cover the bucket and leave the turkey to marinate/soak for 3 to 4 hours.
2. While the turkey is marinating/soaking I prepare my seasoning... Blend in vinegar, onion, lots of garlic, cilantro, scallions and ginger.
3. Take turkey out of the bucket, put into a bowl, in the kitchen sink and I wash outside and inside of the turkey… plucking out the one or two etc feathers I find.
4. I put the turkey in a baking pan then I seasoned with the blended mixture, adding salt and black pepper. I covered pan and place in refrigerator to marinate/soak.
I usually prepare my turkey 4 days before Thanksgiving, so my turkey tastes yummy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

“Juicy Limes”

I was squeezing some limes I bought Saturday from the fruit farm… You talk about juice I got from these limes… While I was squeezing them I was wondering what tree in Trinidad and Tobago, did they pick these nice juicy limes…

Sunday, November 20, 2011

“But Is The Negative”

There is hardly a moment when someone is praising another person a ‘BUT’ is not added to the commendation… Why can’t there be praises without adding that negative?…

Saturday, November 19, 2011


What a beautiful sun filled sky~ There are lots of thin layers of clouds in it~ The morning is cold~ But that is just the weather~ Love is in the air and I am loving it~ I thank God for making me see another day~ Praise God~

Friday, November 18, 2011


When you are logging on to FB or if you are already on, make sure that your little ones eyes are away from the computer screen... OH JEES-AN-AGES! VULGARITY is at its heights on FB tonight...

“He Knew He Could Not Win”

“This argument is baseless… It is heading down the road to nowhere,” he said.
“You started it,” she said.
He knew he didn’t start it, but he said, “Okay. Then I am going to end it.”
“It is unfounded… heading nowhere. I am going to shut up.”
“We need to continue this discussion.” She shouted.
He knew he could not win, so he said, “Okay, so you talk and I will listen.”
“That is what I don’t like about you! You always get silent during a discussion, when it gets a little argumentative!” She shouted.
“Honey, I will listen and if I want to add anything I will.”
That ended the discussion…

Thursday, November 17, 2011

“Role model”

Words I love… Role model, Exemplar, Paradigm…
What I don’t like to hear, is people looking at someone else to be the role model for their CHILD/CHILDREN… hmm. Maybe these parents are not worthy to be copied… They are not good examples… MAYBE!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“Them Old Folks Know How To Scare You”

I heard someone in the kitchen and I woke up, went to the kitchen. It was 12:30 AM and there was my son eating a banana. I told him that it is not a good thing to eat banana that late at night. He said that he already ate one. I felt a bit worried about that because when I was growing up, I was told many don’ts about eating banana…
Don’t eat it if you are hungry~ Don’t eat it after six~ Don’t eat it when you were outside in the hot sun, because your blood is hot~ Don’t eat it if you were drinking alcohol~ And to back up these don’ts, they knew someone who died from doing them~ Them old folks know how to scare you…

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“That Confrontation”

Is it necessary to have that argument~ that disagreement~ that quarrel~ that altercation~ that war of words~ that conflict ~ that row~ THAT CONFRONTATION?!… After it is over, someone might be heartbroken~ crying~ badly bruised~ or dead!!! Is it really necessary to have~ THAT CONFRONTATION?!...

“A Bitter Pill To Swallow”

The things that are happening to humans, is atrocious!!!! To children by humans who claim that they love them, and they are helping them, but they are abusing them PHYSICALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY, and SEXUALLY… IS A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

“The Measure You Give”

Oh gosh this morning I am back to compassion… Good measure pressed down shaken together, running over~ soon it’s going to come back home on every wave~ The measure you give, is the measure you are going to receive~ Compassion is food for the heart, mind and soul… We all need compassion to sustain us~

Sunday, November 13, 2011

“My Opinion”

Your opinion matters after they take it and make it their own...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

“Solemn Vow”

‘FOR BETTER OR FOR WORST’. This solemn vow is losing its strength day by day… If you don’t mean it, don’t say I do…

Friday, November 11, 2011

“Veterans Day”

Today is Veterans Day in the United States. I salute all Veterans.
Someone just said to me that Veterans are getting free food today, but they have to show lots of stuff to get it… Ok, so they showed their information and they got the free food, but what about food for the next day, and the day after, and–so–on–and–so–on…

Thursday, November 10, 2011

“My Sweetbread”

I am not one for following rules of any recipe. I always add or take out something. Regular vanilla is good, but I use Tonka Bean vanilla and My Sweetbread tastes delightful!
3 Cups Flour
1 Cups granulated sugar
3 Tsp. baking powder
¾ Cup water
1/2 Cup margarine, room temperature
1½ Tsp. vanilla essence
1 Egg
½ Cup mixed peel
1 Cup raisins
1 Coconut
1 Tsp Angostura bitters
1 Cup cherries (Everyone tells me it is ½ cup, but I love cherries in my sweetbread… When I am making it they all have to stay out of the kitchen)
¼ Cup Brown Sugar
My Preparations
1. Cut each cherry into four pieces.
2. Chop mixed peel into smaller pieces.
3. Grate coconut then add sugar, water and mix with a wooden spoon.
4. Beat egg with bitters and vanilla, pour into coconut mixture. Add margarine, mix thoroughly.
5. Sift flour and baking powder then mix into the coconut mixture.
6. Add fruits and mixed peel.
7. Pour into a baking pan and bake at 350◦F for 50 - 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
8. Sprinkle with brown sugar, put back into oven for 5 minutes.


Don’t want more because it taste good… Want more because you are hungry! Overeating –Sinful.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


That deep seated emotion that touches your heart and soul… Someone maybe compassionate to you, but they might not be in love with you… Do not misconstrue compassion for love…


I love this word… If you have a compassionate person in your life…You’ve struck gold! Cherish them!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

“Pay Heed”

I don’t know what you are faced with, but it’s a beautiful morning… You are reading this so your mental power is intact… My words for today… Intuition, instinct, perception, insight, sixth sense, hunch, inkling, suspicion… As the old folks I knew used to say… “Something tell me… Ah had ah feeling… Ah had ah hunch” What ever you may call it… This is just a reminder to PAY HEED!...

Monday, November 7, 2011

“Envious People”

They are in our lives to remind us how important our talent is… Don’t make them your focal point… Make your talent your focal point –Don’t ever falter from it…

“Will Is Power”

If you have the will to do it, you have the power to do it… Will is Power!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


One of my favorite Christmas and also Thanksgiving desserts… The first day I saw this recipe, I thought that it was not a good recipe for a cake. I made the cake and my family said that it was the best cake they ever ate. After I tasted it, I said this Orange-Lemon Pound Cake is SCRUMPTIOUS!


INGREDIENTS, Makes a 10-inch cake

3 Cups all-purpose flour
2 Cups granulated sugar
1 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. baking powder
½ Tsp. baking soda
1 Cup sour cream
1 Cup butter or margarine, room temperature
1 Tsp. vanilla
2 Tsp. grated orange peel
5 Eggs

1. Spoon flour lightly into cup and level off to measure. Combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda, sour cream, butter, vanilla, orange peel and eggs in large mixer bowl.
2. Mix at low speed until blended and all ingredients are moistened. Turn speed to high and mix for 3 minutes.
3. Butter and flour a 10-inch pan. Pour cake batter into pan.
4. Bake at 325◦F for pan made of plain metal. Bake at 300◦F if the pan has a colored exterior.
5. Bake for 60 -75 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

“Hog Plum”

Who called it HOG PLUM and why did he/she?... hmm. It was an unpleasant pungent taste to many and the smell was also unpleasant to some… I loved the pungent taste… the moment it touched my taste buds my mouth watered. If I had a sore throat, it healed it in a moment. I loved when Miss Lions –she was the lady who sold goodies in the school yard. She had the best goodies ever… She boiled hog plums with sugar, making them into a real tasty candy… Hog plums… Are the best.

“A Beautiful Morning”

Cold~ Yes It Is...
Sun~ Shining Brightly…
Love~ It Burns Inside…
Hope~ I Hope You Feel It Too…
Oh What A Beautiful Morning...

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Tonka Bean Vanilla"

For my favorite cookies, I use home made vanilla. Tonka Bean – Vanilla.
Did you know that if you grate Tonka beans, put it in Vodka… leave it to marinate or as Trinbagonians say, soak, for three weeks, to a month, it makes the best flavored vanilla?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

“My Favorite Cookies”

This recipe was given to me by a dear friend –Ann… She is now 89 years and has all her faculties. Such a beautiful soul…
These are my Thanksgiving Cookies. They are guaranteed to make a hit with your family and guests… Enjoy.



4 Cups of Flour
3 Tablespoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Make small balls not bigger than a quarter and place one inch apart on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes.
1 lime
1 egg white
3 cups of confectioner’s sugar
1 bottle of colorful sprinkles

Put egg white in a bowl and squeeze lime in the bowl. Turn on the mixer on low and beat for a minute. Add confectioner’s sugar and increase mixer speed to high. Beat mixture until thick and very white, about 5-7 minutes. The icing should hold stiff peak when you lift the beater. Add more confectioner’s sugar if needed.
Paste on cookies then put on sprinkles.


Playing on my mind this morning –Mercy, Compassion, Pity, Clemency, Forgiveness, Kindness, Sympathy, Understanding, Leniency, Humanity! However you want to say it… Today, many humans don’t have a scintilla of MERCY!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

“A Malevolent Look”

“I don’t like the costume coordinator, but I have to go to her house. Can you please come with me?” Troy asked.
“That woman looks kind of strange, her house is in the middle of nowhere and it looks frightening to me. I don’t want to go,” said Carol.
“I have to collect my costume and I don’t want to go alone."
“I will drive you there, but I will wait for you in the car.” Although every scintilla of Carol’s being told her not to get out of the car, she did. As they walked towards the front door Carol felt the hairs on her hands raised and she whispered, “This place is fear-provoking.”
Troy whispered, “I’m scared.”
The coordinator suddenly peeped through the window. “Oh my God, she looks creepy,” Said Carol.
“Everything about this place is creepy,” said Troy.
The coordinator opened the door. She had a malevolent look on her face as she said, “So the both of you think that my home and I are creepy?”…

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


As a child, just enjoying my daily routine… Going to school and playing games, the date November, 1st. 2011 was the furthest thing from my mind… Thank God for making me see it, and making me feel good!
So what am I thinking about today, hmm… Some Trinbago sayings.
When you have cocoa in de sun… You have to look for rain.
You know what they say about the immortelle… It does shade the cocoa.
Playing dead to catch corbeau alive.
So it is 11/1/11 the second to last month of the year… Everything is going wrong… bad luck galore in your life…
“A-A Boy, is like corbeau pee on yuh!”
Nah Nah… I was in the right church… wrong pew… Now I overs dat…