Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A woman held the door for me, and I walked into the grocery. Her sister/friend was standing inside. I told her thanks, but I was thinking that they are up to no good. I slung my handbag over my shoulder, took a cart and proceeded to shop. They were behind me in every aisle, talking and laughing as they shopped. When I was finished and got to the cashier they were behind me – next in line. This led me to believe that they were following me. When my groceries were bagged and in the cart, I proceeded to the exit.
“Miss, please wait a moment.” One of the women ran up to me. “Is this yours?”
She handed me the bankcard that I just used to pay for the grocery. After paying, I put the card in my coat pocket, not realizing that it had a hole. I thanked her feeling embarrassed that I judged her.

1 comment:

Trinisunshine said...

No wonder they were laughing.