Friday, April 30, 2010

Progress is that man who sits at the corner in a wheelchair every morning for more than and hour, in the winter…. Hoping
Progress is that same man who walks with his walker to the corner every morning for more than an hour, in the spring… Hoping.
Progress is that same man who walks with his cane and stands at the corner every morning for more than an hour in the summer… Hoping.
Progress is that man who jogs every morning for more than an hour in the fall… Hope fulfilled

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I got up this morning feeling good but then I started to sneeze. I know my family and I already passed 50,000 sneezes. Is sneezes a word? Anyway, there is something about this allergy season and us. What a time of our lives we are having, with that sudden expulsion of air. I read once that a sneeze comes at about 100–200mph. I know my sneeze is coming at about 300mph or more because my nose feels as though everything is coming out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A woman held the door for me, and I walked into the grocery. Her sister/friend was standing inside. I told her thanks, but I was thinking that they are up to no good. I slung my handbag over my shoulder, took a cart and proceeded to shop. They were behind me in every aisle, talking and laughing as they shopped. When I was finished and got to the cashier they were behind me – next in line. This led me to believe that they were following me. When my groceries were bagged and in the cart, I proceeded to the exit.
“Miss, please wait a moment.” One of the women ran up to me. “Is this yours?”
She handed me the bankcard that I just used to pay for the grocery. After paying, I put the card in my coat pocket, not realizing that it had a hole. I thanked her feeling embarrassed that I judged her.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The chemistry between us was wonderful. We were in love.
“I’m getting married, ” he said.
I wanted to explain to him all the steps that took place to bring him into this world. Thank God for my calm demeanor, and my acting skills. I said in a sweet tone, “Nice! I hope I’m going to be invited.” I know I was not going to be at his freaking wedding!
“You’re the first person to be invited. What are you going to wear?”
My thoughts were on overdrive; ‘What the hell is wrong with him?’ “I don’t know… something nice,” I said.
“You should wear white.”
“Why, do you want me to out do your bride?”
“You can never do that.” The hurt I was feeling had my face flushed. He took my hand and I wanted to pull it out of his gentle grip. He slid the most beautiful diamond ring on my finger… “You are the bride.”

Monday, April 26, 2010

One day an elderly acquaintance taught me a great lesson. She ordered one of my books from me, and paid me for it. I had an order in, which was late so I phoned her to let her know that she would get her book as soon as possible. I also told her that I didn’t want her to feel that I was running away with her money. She said, “As a man thinketh… so is he….

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The sky is a cloudy gray… hiding the sun… The trees are still… There is no breeze. Not a voice to be heard. No vehicles passing by, No birds singing a lullaby. It is so still that the man and his dog walked nimbly by… I am writing this yet listing to the stillness of it all… I am fascinated by this dull, dismal, overcast, calm and tranquil day… It sets the stage for my nostalgia.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

You dated him for 2 years then you broke up. He texts you months later at 2AM in the morning saying, that he loves you and he misses you. You ran in to him in the subway.
“You are the best thing that has happened to me,” he said. You look at him not sure if you should respond so you smiled. “I’m looking for a good woman to spend the rest of my life with.”
You are wondering what the hell is he saying. “I hope I am that woman.” His response to that was a smile.
A week later he calls. “I want to get physical with you.”
You know what he meant yet you asked, “What?”
“We used to have great sex. I want to come over. I’m 10 minutes away from your home.”
You felt like saying, ‘you degrading bastard!’ Instead you say, “You remind me of how worthless I always felt after I lay with you.”

Friday, April 23, 2010

Are you in love with the bank account and blind to the character? Is it okay that the attitude towards you is atrocious? You should turn in the opposite direction and run, but you stay because the money flows into your hands. How long can you live like this?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I stood at the front door searching in my handbag for my keys. A stranger was standing inside looking at me…. I was wondering why he didn’t open the door…. I eventually opened it and said, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Miss can I say something to you?”
“I stood here looking at you searching for your keys in your bag. The next time, have your keys in your hand before you get to the door.”
“You could have opened the door for me.”
“True, but I don’t know if you live in this building or just pretending to be looking for keys.”
“You’re right, but you are standing in the lobby and I don’t know why you are here. You could have been pretending to be waiting on someone in the building.”
“You’re also right, but remember to keep your keys handy.”
“I will.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Don’t discern the uneasiness…. It is not mind over matter. He closed me into a tight space, but I faced him and got out of it.