Sunday, March 6, 2022

Trinbagonians talk. (230) Ignorance is bliss to a fool.

Many people are postings information about the side effects of the vaccines. I want them to first look at the side effects of the medication/s they are taking. There are side effects noted in every medicine. Vaccines, tablets etc., are all loaded with side effects. Before you join the club of posting about the Covid19 vaccine, read about the side effects of the medicine/s you take.

1 comment:

Ron said...

Re "Ignorance is bliss to a fool"...

Exactly right!!

Ignorance of the reality of lies and deceptions (=most mainstream news and establishment decrees) is bliss because exposing yourself to that is self-propagandization.

Ignorance of truths (especially if they’re upsetting) is not, or only temporarily or rarely, bliss because it is ultimately self-defeating.

The FALSE mantra of "ignorance is bliss", promoted in the latter sense, is a product of a fake sick culture that has indoctrinated its "dumbed down" (therefore TRULY ignorant, therefore easy to control) people with many such manipulative slogans. You can find the proof that ignorance is never bliss (only superficial fake bliss), and how you get to buy into this lie (and other self-defeating lies), in the article “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ...

"Blissful" believers in "ignorance is bliss" -- blissfully stupid people -- are nearly always self-destructive indifferent immoral ignoramuses and/or members of herd stupidity... speaking of which, with the letters of "omicron" an alleged Covid variant you can spell "moronic"

And further speaking of stupid herd people not getting the glaringly obvious truth/ie not getting the constant onslaught of BIG lies of the official authorities......

"2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into...3 shots to feed your family!" --- Unknown

“If 'ignorance is bliss' –there should be more happy people.” --- Unknown