Sunday, December 19, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (202) Covid19 is Showing us how Insensitive and Selfish Some People are.

Some of the things they say and do is also letting us vaccinated people know that they do not like us. Imagine you take the vaccine because we are dealing with a vicious virus and we want to be protected. Many people you know are against the vaccine. They are not scientists but they send out information about the vaccine. All of their information tells us that vaccinated people are going to die. If I know that a person, I care about took the vaccine and it is going to kill them, I would be praying for them and lifting them up in a positive way. Sending out information to remind someone that the vaccine they took is going to kill them is hurtful and worrisome. I believe if these people cared about us vaccinated people, they would pray for us. If they cannot pray leave it in God’s hands. SHUT UP! I know for a fact that these people who send me negative information does not have my best interest at heart. They don’t care about my feelings. God is going to see me through it all.


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