Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (182) I believe in dis sayin’, “Each man to he own accord.” So, me eh go tell yuh wat to do. Yuh could tell meh wat to do buh ah go do wat ah want to do. Ah hav’ a mind of meh own an’ ah does follow it. There are plenty lies floatin’ around.

Ah did no hear dat we are not suppose to say de ‘V’ word, buh ah keep hearin’ people say jab for de V’. When someone says dey get de jab, it does sound as though dey did get hurt real bad. Jab sounds archaic… of ancient times when things were done in a crude way. De latest thin’ ah hear is dat de jab is de mark of de beast. Ah thought de mark of de beast was goin’ to be on de forehead? If yuh think about wat some people say an’ yuh believe it, yuh eh go live yuh life free from stress. Ah trust de spirit dat is in me… meh intuition. Some people are convincin’ liars an’ some people believe de lies. Meh muddah used to say, “‘Hav’ a mind of yuh own’. Doh take anybody’s word for it’. ‘Follow yuh own mind.” “Doh wait until shit happens to say, “If ah did follow meh mind, dat wouldah never happen.”

I did no hear that we are not supposed to say the ‘V’ word, but I keep hearing people say ‘jab’ for the ‘V’.  When someone says they get the jab, it does sound as though they got hurt really bad. Jab sounds archaic… of ancient times when things were done in a crude way. The latest thing I heard is that the jab is the mark of the beast. I thought the mark of the beast was going to be on the forehead? If you think about what some people say and you believe it, you will not live your life free from stress. I trust the spirit that is in me… my intuition. Some people are convincing liars and some people believe the lies. My mother used to say, “‘Have a mind of your own’, ‘Don’t take anybody’s word for it’, ‘Follow your mind’,” “Don’t wait until shit happens to say, “If I did followed my mind that would never happen.”

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