Friday, October 15, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (179) I really don’t know why people are hurtful. As the old Trinbago folks used to say, “Monkey kno’ wat tree to climb” An abuser knows who he can control. Some people are cruel. God have his people and the devil have his own.

I saw a video about violence against women (murder, kidnap and rape.) in Trinidad and Tobago. I remember when I was very young, I heard two women talking. Where I was in the grocery, they could not see me, 1st Woman asked 2nd woman, “Girl, what about your husband?” 2nd Woman said, “Girl, he is ok. He doesn’t beat me anymore. He is seeing a young girl and I hear he does beat her.” 1st woman responded, “You are lucky.” I was really upset by what I was hearing. I quickly walked to the isle they were in so they would know that somebody heard them. Some people know that their friend/s, relatives, etc., are abusers but they ignore and be silent about it. Your abuser might be a prominent person or not. I am happy that these women are getting together to let the world know that their significant other is an abuser.

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