Friday, September 4, 2020

Some people are selfish! They only care about receiving and to hell with the other people involved in the group. The pyramid scheme that is called a blessing loom is a scam. It is not a Sou Sou. How dare the person who started the blessing loom call it a Sou Sou? As the old Trinbagonian folks does say, “Dey dam’ farse and out ah place, to call dat ah Sou Sou!” In a Sou Sou all the member gets paid. In the blessing loom or pyramid some people are not going to be paid. I heard that Trinbagonians are in a tizzy over the blessing loom. When I heard about the blessing loom, how it works and I saw the logo, I felt uncomfortable so I researched it. It is a pyramid scheme. IT IS NOT A SOU SOU!

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