Monday, July 20, 2020

You know the power that is keeping the man of sin back now. The man of sin will come only when his time is ready. For the secret power of breaking the law is already at work in the world. But that secret power can only do so much until the One Who keeps back the man of sin is taken out of the way. Then this man of sin will come. The Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of His mouth. The coming of Christ will put an end to him. Satan will use this man of sin. He will have Satan’s power. He will do strange things and many powerful works that will be false. Those who are lost in sin will be fooled by the things he can do. They are lost in sin because they did not love the truth that would save them. For this reason, God will allow them to follow false teaching so they will believe a lie. They will all be guilty as they stand before God because they wanted to do what was wrong. Amen. 2Thessalonians 2:6-12.

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