Tuesday, July 7, 2020

During this Covid-19 I am just loving the family story telling moments. Paul’s stories take the cake. He said that one day he was on the train and a nice young woman came on with her son. He and the woman got into a very nice conversation then her son said to him, “Mister, are you my daddy?” Paul said he froze for a moment, the woman looked embarrassed and he was thinking, ‘Oh God me again in an uncomfortable situation. This time it’s an innocent child’. Me: “Oh shit. So, what did you say?” Paul: I was feeling bad that I had to break this child’s heart, but I told him no.” Me: “That was a sad situation.” “Paul: “Yeah it was sad and embarrassing. His mother said sorry, but I told her it was okay. I got off when the train stopped. I couldn’t stay on that train. Me: The precious little one needs answers. A sad moment.

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