Monday, November 18, 2019

The easiest word to say yet the heaviest word is, ‘Sorry’ because the meaning is profound, but in most cases, it is not said with sincerity. It is mostly said for gain. They say sorry because they want something. Mayor Bloomberg said that he is sorry to Blacks and Latino because of his legacy of, ‘Stop-and-Fisk’. Thousand of Black men and Latino men were stopped by the police for no reason. 99.9% of the time no illegal items were found on them or any of them were perpetrators of a crime. The first time Paul was stopped and frisked, he was on his way to school. He was 15 years and then on two other occasions, 16 and 18. I believe Stop-and-Frisk is meant to belittle Black and Latino men. Like I said before; most people say they are sorry because they want something.

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