Wednesday, November 27, 2019

On Monday, November 25, 2019 a female student at Kingsborough College, Brooklyn, NY was about to use the bathroom when she felt someone behind her. A man pushed her into one of the stalls and tried to sexually assault her. She manages to get away. Kingsborough College did not inform their students about this incident. I am re-posting Sarah’s Kingsborough College bathroom story. When Sarah was leaving school on September 21, 2018, she phoned me saying, “Mom I am shaking.” I asked her what happened and she said that when her class was over, she went to use the bathroom. There were three young women in there. They left quickly and someone turned off the light. The bathroom got pitched black. She exclaimed and put on the flashlight on her phone. Wondering if anyone was still there. She got herself together and slowly walked out, shining the light around. Thank God for her cell phone. College life is not easy some people are going to hate you and you have to be ready for their attacks.

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