Sunday, February 3, 2019

I looked at the caller ID when the phone started ringing. This person and I did not talk in months, so I was happy to hear from them. I picked up the phone.  Me: “Hello?”
Person: “Oh gosh! Is not you I wanted to talk too! I dialed your number by mistake.”
Me: “Okay.” I hang up the phone. The person calls again. I answered. “Hello?”
Person: “You have too much bad ways. Why you hang up the phone?”
Me: You said that I am not the person you want to talk too and you dialed my number by mistake."
Person: “Yes, but you didn’t have to hang up the phone. We could talk.”
 Me: No. You know that I have bad ways so don’t associate yourself with me. That is sinful. Don’t sin your soul because of me. Bye.” I hang up the phone and that was the end of that.
People who know me, know they have to be very careful about what they say and do to me. My reaction to what happened between us, they sometimes cannot handle. Some of them try their best to paint me with a bad brush. I am a child of God and he loves me. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

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