Friday, February 8, 2019

Happy Friday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe. You really have to be in it to know it. Taking care of someone you love who is a seriously ill, can be heartbreaking and wearisome. There is a point you will need some kindness of your own. B. Smith’s suffers with Alzheimer and her husband has a girlfriend who stays at his home sometimes. People are knocking him down saying, what about; For better or for worse and he is disrespecting her. I am not in their shoes so I don’t really know the story. All I have to say is, “In most cases when a wife or husband gets sick the partner sometimes stays or leave. If you have a partner who stays with you when you get sick, you struck gold. B. Smith’s mind is not all there and her husband could put her in a home, ignore her and live his life, but he chooses to keep her home. The place she is familiar too. I know I do not want me or any member of my family to ever have to go and live in a nursing home. Some people suffer abuse in some of these places. I hope B. Smith is treated with love and kindness.

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